Ashwarya Ralhan a content creator from Delhi who always wished to do something creative in her career journey entered into the field of Digital Marketing in the year 2016. She started working as a blogger and is the founder of GoHealthyOnline. Being a health and fitness enthusiast, she started this blog to help other people by giving awesome tips to a healthy life
She always wanted to be a writer so started her journey by doing Content Writing and Social Media. She has even worked with well-known brands like Livon, Pantene, Mama Earth etc. With such an establishment she is currently working with few brands and has been engaged dedicatedly to build her strong presence as a Content Creator.
Why did you decide to be a Content Creator?
Ever since I came to know that I could use my creativity to help other people I decided to make it my career option. I was creative since I was a child, I could think of out of the box ideas to get some value out of it. I started creating content for my pages and startups and got amazing responses then I realised that it could be an awesome way to get the creativity out of me and that could help brands and companies to plan an awesome strategy.
Did you have any other career option for you?
After my schooling got over I wanted to be an RJ the reason behind that is I love music a lot. In my free time or during work also I always prefer listening to my playlist because it helps me to be more creative. I always wanted to entertain people by being an RJ because I think I am a person full of humour and can make others happy by my silly jokes.
Describe what a typical day at work looks like for you?
For me, a typical day at work would be a pure hustle and learning. I believe that we should never stop learning and experimenting. People around me are doing awesome things at a very young age and I think all of us should focus on learning and implementing because that is what makes us a perfect version of us. Every day I try to create a new strategy for me or my clients and implement it right away to decide which one of them performed better.
What are your hobbies?
Apart from digital marketing I love to travel places, Travelling makes my soul happy and even gives me the motivation to work hard again and travel. If you check my social media handles you would see my travel pictures. Once I was travelling to Nainital and met a few people there who had the same career interests so it helped me to exchange better ideas. My next favourite hobby is listening to music that I can never stop. Travelling is like my body and Music is the heart that keeps it going.
Which technical skills do you believe are most important in your role?
I believe that Digital Marketing and Content Creation is all about understanding your audience and their needs. You do not need to be a techie or a coder to be a successful marketer, all you need to do is just “Understand Your Audience” and “Customer Psychology”. The moment you start understanding your audience and create content what they need you will be able to achieve success.
What can be one of the biggest challenges people face in the industry you operate in?
As far as I have experienced people always struggle to get the right client and the right opportunity. It takes some time to get the right client and deliver the perfect result. Nothing can be achieved overnight. All we need to do is deal with patience and focus on giving our best. Because when we are stress-free it would help to deliver the best result to clients.
At Last, what keeps you going and motivated every time?
I am raised by a single parent my father has given his whole life to raise me and fulfil my wishes. He never made me feel anything less but he could not do this alone his sister i.e my Buaa played a mother figure for me. Yes, my childhood was a bit different than others, but I feel proud to be brought up this way. Both of them had always helped me with the right guidance and made me today what I am. Whenever I think of them it keeps me going and gives me the strength to fight my fears and achieve something in my life.
Meet Ashwarya Ralhan, A Content Creator from Delhi

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